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McGregor Coxall - Docklands Primary School

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The Docklands Primary School will provide much needed community infrastructure to enable and nurture social interaction for the emerging and future communities of Docklands, Harbour Town and E-Gate. The landscape design is envisaged as a place and system that is enriching, nourishing, balanced and sustainable.

The site is isolated in terms of open space and community facilities, so a crucial component of the design is to provide users access to new green amenity. The three-story facility provides 3,500 sqm of flexible outdoor space that caters for school and after-hours activities. The school has a range of play experiences that foster creative learning environments. The public domain surrounding the school is seen as an extension of the school, blurring the public and school boundaries. A multifunctional forecourt and spill out area will provide a place for seating and meeting, a shared street zone supporting village life for pre and post school activity.